What foods improve performance in long-distance running?

What foods improve performance in long-distance running?

The type of food that most people associate with TCS Lidingöloppet is probably pasta - every year thousands of runners load with carbyhydrayes to perform optimally in the race. A type of nutrient which has not received equal attention is nitrate - a substance that significantly improves performance in long-distance running! This part of Lidingölabbet therefore presents nitrate-rich groceries which will prepare you for your personal success stories this year!

How does nitrate help in running?
Food that contain nitrate help forming nitric oxide in the body. This molecule expands the blood vessels, which increases the blood flow to the muscles. The nitric dioxide also helps the cells consume less oxygen. Nitrate thus promotes, in a natural way, performance in endurance sports such as cross-country running.

Since nitrate expands the blood vessels' volume, it also helps to lower blood pressure, which is good for general cardiovascular health.

How and when should I consume nitrate-rich foods?
It takes about 2-3 hours for nitrate to reach performance-enhancing effect in the body. In order to reach the blood vessels faster, the foodstuffs can be converted into, for example, juices, shots or smoothies.

Lidingölabbet suggests: 10 groceries which increase performance in long-distance running:
1. Beets
2. Arugula
3. Celery
4. Kale
5. Spinach
6. Leaf lettuce
7. Mangold
8. Rhubarb
9. Radishes
10. Butterhead lettuce

Look for the From Sweden label when shopping!
Look for the brand From Sweden when choosing fruits and vegetables to be sure that your produce has been grown, harvested, packaged and controlled in Sweden. Read more here.


1. Odén, Anders, "Därför förbättrar rödbetsjuicen din uthållighet", Sverige Springer, 5 maj 2019: https://www.sverigespringer.se/darfor-forbattrar-rodbetsjuice-din-uthallighet/
2. Selene Yeager, "Here's why a nitrate-richdiet can help you go faster for longer", Bicycling, 26 januari 2021: https://www.bicycling.com/health-nutrition/a35289093/benefits-of-nitrate-rich-diet/
3. L Jungersten, Nitric oxide and vascular function in a man: a biochemical and physiological study, 1997: https://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/12106/1/gupea_2077_12106_1.txt
4. Al-Saadi et al. "Har rödbetsjuice prestationshöjande effekt?", BestPractice, november 2019, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Magnusson3/publication/337021672_Har_rodbetsjuice_prestationshojande_effekt/links/5dc1588f299bf1a47b162ea5/Har-roedbetsjuice-prestationshoejande-

1, Odén, Anders, "Därför förbättrar rödbetsjuicen din uthållighet", Sverige Springer, 5 maj 2019: https://www.sverigespringer.se/darfor-forbattrar-rodbetsjuice-din-uthallighet/
2. Selene Yeager, "Here's why a nitrate-richdiet can help you go faster for longer", Bicycling, 26 januari 2021: https://www.bicycling.com/health-nutrition/a35289093/benefits-of-nitrate-rich-diet/
3. L Jungersten, Nitric oxide and vascular function in a man: a biochemical and physiological study, 1997: https://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/12106/1/gupea_2077_12106_1.txt
4. Al-Saadi et al. "Har rödbetsjuice prestationshöjande effekt?", BestPractice, november 2019, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Magnusson3/publication/337021672_Har_rodbetsjuice_prestationshojande_effekt/links/5dc1588f299bf1a47b162ea5/Har-roedbetsjuice-prestationshoejande-effekt.pdf

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